Friday 10 May 2024

Challenge Yourself

 This layout is for challenge yourself where they want fussy cutting.

When we were in Germany I visited the Steiff shop to buy a gift for my daughter. 

On this layout I used mulberry paper as a furry edge for my photos plus some fussy cut tree stumps and the pennants across the bottom in various papers. I added random flowers and the punched butterfly. It gives this layout a woodland feel. Of course that's me with the bear. 


Sharon Fritchman said...

Hi Julene! I absolutely LOVE your fun and fabulous page. I really like your photos and your fussy cut elements, like the tree stumps. And it looks like it was such a fun stop on your trip to Germany. Thank you so much for joining us at Challenge YOUrself this month! We are all very happy that you did.

Tracy P said...

Love your design and such a great photo. Your fussy cut banner is the perfect touch. And yes, your layout feels very woodland. Thank you for sharing with us at Challenge YOUrself.

Kim said...

This is fabulous! I love the fibrous paper you added, what a great touch and it's such a compliment to the photo! Thank you for sharing with the Challenge YOUrself team this month!

Monique Nicole Fox said...

Cute. Thanks for playing along at CY.

Cook Scrap Craft said...

What a fun and furry background to this! I work in the toy industry and am familiar with Steiff products, but I didn't know one could visit them in Germany! I'll have to add that to my bucket list. So cool. Thanks for joining us at Challenge YOUrself this month!