Saturday 30 August 2008

Another birthday and another year older!

It was my birthday on Tuesday so I'm now another year older.Family arrived with yummy cake and lots of presents and nice cards.

I completed another bingo game (but didn't win this time) over at Purple scraps.Tonight I worked on a blind scrapping project.I used lots of pink bows on this one to make it girly. Love the result!

Saturday 23 August 2008

Final count.

I have completed 698 layouts over the past 7 years. That's amazed me as I didn't think I had THAT many.I guess weekly classes for 5 years then online challenges, it all adds up.I still have plenty of photos to go.

On a different note the stitches and craft show at Rosehill Racecourse was disappointing this year.There were hardly any scrapbooking stalls;those that were there were all selling old stuff. Nothing to inspire me!I picked up a kaisercraft brochure which featured a layout on the back page so I've reproduced that. I used some papers that I won on Purplescraps in one of the competitions.There's another live bingo game next Friday night to look forward to.

Sunday 17 August 2008

Counting layouts

I've been re-sorting and recounting layouts I have done. Found a few that need redoing and am also amazed at the quantity. Call me a nerd but I'm also writing a list of what is in each album so I can find it when I want to!
It has been a good job to do while watching the Olympics.
When I get the total, I'll put it on here.Then there's the off the page stuff...oh dear another job coming up.

Wednesday 13 August 2008

Thinking while typing

With two family parties on the weekend I now have lots of new photos to scrap.There is an interesting one using recycled items eg bread tags etc that I'd like to try.There are lots of ideas for that one floatingaround in my head.
I was pleased to see a friend, Emily has been chosen for a design team.She does great work and it is good to see her succeed.

Monday 11 August 2008

Lighter matters.

I've been very busy scrapping while watching the Olympics. It is great to multitask.Here's 2 layouts I've done.The first Grotto, is in green and gold, my 2 favourite colours.The other was required by white with one and had to feature purple and handsewing. I'm pleased with how they both turned out.
On a less happy note I'm still missing Tuppence's little face meeting me at the door when I come home.The kitchen floor is clean of cat scraps. LOL. It just isn't the same around here without her.

Tuesday 5 August 2008

R.I.P. Tuppence

This afternoon I took our cat Tuppence to the vet to be euthenaised. She was almost 17 and in poor health.It is a very sad day for us here.There are reminders of her everywhere around here.

Monday 4 August 2008

October Retreat

I have just booked in for a retreat in country Victoria in October.I will be attending with Julie, a friend I met through Purplescraps. We had such fun last year I thought another dose of "uberscrapping" would be good.

There are 2 new challenges to create on white with one,a yellow with flowers and a purple with hand stitching.I plan to start on these tonight.

I've also seen some cheap green buttons on ebay so I have put a bid on those.They will be ideal for scrapping layouts.