I have been asked by the Counterfeit Kit crew to explain how I organise my scrapping challenge time.
These steps may help:
1.Dream about your next layout or photo you want to use.
2.Put washing on, or dinner to stew, so you can justify this time to yourself.
3.Gather your Counterfeit Kit on your table next to where you scrap.
4.Send the other house members out for the day.(Important)
5.Choose your background paper/cardstock.
6.Think about where you want your photo (s) to go.
7 Stick them down straight away! Don't procrastinate.
8. My scrapbook teacher told me to remember it is only paper and a photo costs little so if you "stuff it up" it doesn't really matter.
9. If you "goof up" an area you can always cover it with flowers, journaling tags or embellishments. Some of my best layouts are created this way.
10. In the My favourites section of your computer list all the challenges you regularly visit.
At the beginning of each month I work my way down the list and check the winners from the previous month. I actually WRITE a list in pencil of each layout I do for each month.
11. Match challenges to what you have in your kit. (it is okay to use other stuff too.)
12.Complete anything you start. I rarely leave anything half done.
I hope this helps. The other thing is to find a time of day that suits you. Mine is after breakfast.
Yours might be late at night.
If you are going to a crop day pack cellophane 12x12 bags for each layout with items you need to complete it.Add the sketch or print out of mood board etc.
Hope that all helps!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's great! I have a hard time with #4--getting my kids out of the house--so sometimes I just close the door to my scrap room. They usually get the message. 😉
Love your list, Julene. I think being a list maker must help a great deal - I don't usually do lists. I tend to print off sketches I like, but not other challenges, unless they are assignments. Maybe I will always be more motivated by deadlines than anything else - and I have started now marking a scrappy blog calendar which serves as a list of upcoming things I want to do. I do like following you to see what challenges you discover and tackle around the 'net. Scrap on!
I think I have been afraid to visit too many challenge sights as once I see one it is rumbling round in my head until it comes out on paper. Perhaps chugging through a list, one at a time, would help. Thank you!
It was such a good list until #7 "Stick them down straight away! Don't procrastinate."
I think Procrastinate should be my middle name ;-)
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